Future of the Internet

Triston Luke


There is a wide ranging view on what the future of the internet may hold.  Some scholars feel they know directly what direction the internet is headed, while others such as Senator Ensign believes the future of the internet is unable to predict “the technology is changing so fast, entrepreneurs are out there, coming up with different ways of doing things on the Internet, and what the Internet is going to look like 5 years from now, there isn’t anybody in America who can predict that

Research Scientist Giovanni Pau holds an opposing view expressing “it is common belief that besides growing, the internet is evolving toward even richer and more immersive experiences.”.  Personally, I side more with this possibility as research shows that world wide internet usage is expected to grow by 1.1 billion users in a five year span.  Rising from 3 billion users in 2015, to an astounding 4.1 billion users in 2020.

Along with this growth we can expect a tremendous increase in cybersleuthing, which is when “reporters monitor a celebrity’s media accounts, or in extreme cases hack a celebrities email, text messages, or voicemail” (Vivian, 120).  We can expect an increase of cybersleuthing as entertainment news becomes ever increasingly popular amongst todays society.  Entertainment news, otherwise referred to as ‘soft news’, will continue to dominate the internet as lifestyle, culture, and celebrity gossip attracts a major audience.

In all, it will be somewhat difficult to see how much the internet is changing before our eyes as change is often gradual.  In the last 15 years, “we’ve gone from a slow, dial-up, boxy version of the internet to one that can be accessed at incredible speeds from pretty much anywhere”.  I am more than excited to witness what the next 15 years will introduce.


Inouye et al. (2008, April 22). The Future of the Internet . Retrieved November 8, 2017

 Zahariadas, Pau, Camarilo. (2011, March). Future Media Internet. Retrieved November 07, 2017

Garrity, J. (2016, June 22). Internet User Growth Over the Next Five Years. Retrieved November 08, 2017

DeMers, J. (2016, April 18). 7 Predictions For How The Internet Will Change Over The Next 15 Years. Retrieved November 08, 2017

Vivian, John. The Media of Mass Communication: 2006. Pearson Education, 2006.

3 thoughts on “Future of the Internet

  1. Good job Triston. I liked you incorporated the future of the Internet as your topic for this post and how you laid out your quotes. The Internet is already very prevalent in our society and it will become even more as the years go by. Keep it up!


  2. Nice post! It’s almost impossible to express the future of the internet because its advancements are so quick and unpredictable! It is unfathomable to think that there could 4.1 billion internet users in 2020.


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