Future of the Internet

Triston Luke


There is a wide ranging view on what the future of the internet may hold.  Some scholars feel they know directly what direction the internet is headed, while others such as Senator Ensign believes the future of the internet is unable to predict “the technology is changing so fast, entrepreneurs are out there, coming up with different ways of doing things on the Internet, and what the Internet is going to look like 5 years from now, there isn’t anybody in America who can predict that

Research Scientist Giovanni Pau holds an opposing view expressing “it is common belief that besides growing, the internet is evolving toward even richer and more immersive experiences.”.  Personally, I side more with this possibility as research shows that world wide internet usage is expected to grow by 1.1 billion users in a five year span.  Rising from 3 billion users in 2015, to an astounding 4.1 billion users in 2020.

Along with this growth we can expect a tremendous increase in cybersleuthing, which is when “reporters monitor a celebrity’s media accounts, or in extreme cases hack a celebrities email, text messages, or voicemail” (Vivian, 120).  We can expect an increase of cybersleuthing as entertainment news becomes ever increasingly popular amongst todays society.  Entertainment news, otherwise referred to as ‘soft news’, will continue to dominate the internet as lifestyle, culture, and celebrity gossip attracts a major audience.

In all, it will be somewhat difficult to see how much the internet is changing before our eyes as change is often gradual.  In the last 15 years, “we’ve gone from a slow, dial-up, boxy version of the internet to one that can be accessed at incredible speeds from pretty much anywhere”.  I am more than excited to witness what the next 15 years will introduce.


Inouye et al. (2008, April 22). The Future of the Internet . Retrieved November 8, 2017

 Zahariadas, Pau, Camarilo. (2011, March). Future Media Internet. Retrieved November 07, 2017

Garrity, J. (2016, June 22). Internet User Growth Over the Next Five Years. Retrieved November 08, 2017

DeMers, J. (2016, April 18). 7 Predictions For How The Internet Will Change Over The Next 15 Years. Retrieved November 08, 2017

Vivian, John. The Media of Mass Communication: 2006. Pearson Education, 2006.

Online Entertainment

Triston Luke


Although the invention of the printing press by Gutenberg kick started the notion of reaching large audiences, nothing can compare to the impact the internet has had on mass communication.  The evolution of technology is responsible for the reason why content display over the internet has become such a reliable source of entertainment for so many.  The internet has allowed users to connect interactively with the creation of sound, motion pictures, and live updating of content.  The concept of convergence is directly related with the internet where one can satisfy numerous needs through one medium.  Between games, music, movies, etc., we are constantly entertained through the internet.

Social Media Rubik’s Cube

The internet has allowed users across the globe to connect and either play against or with each other.  This was made prevalent in the short film in class where online video gaming was depicted as becoming somewhat of a sport.  Many are unaware that the online video gaming industry has generated an audience of thousands and this alone depicts the growth of internet as a means of entertainment.

The availability of music over the internet has removed the burden of individuals having to travel to local music departments to purchase CD’s and items of the sort.  Internet users can now efficiently and legally listen to their favorite songs through numerous sources across the web.

Movie and television streaming through the internet has become extremely popular through broadcasting industries such as Netflix and Hulu. The entertainment companies have gathered millions of subscribers as they display a wide range of films from classics to original productions.


Net Children Go Mobile. “Entertainment.” Internet Matters,

Entertainment Online.” How Has The Internet Changed Entertainment – Entertainment Online 

Rise of the Internet as a Means of Entertainment

Triston Luke


It is no secret the internet has transformed the way we function globally on a day to day basis.  An article published in 1997, the relatively early stages of the internet, expressed “The internet is at once a world wide broadcasting capability, a mechanism for information dissemination, and a medium for collaboration and interaction between individuals and their computers without regard for geographical location.” (Leiner et al., 1997).  Tremendous growth has occurred as the internet has revolutionized the way in which we communicate, dramatically increasing efficiency in numerous aspects. As all this still holds true to today, the internet has continued to prosper and develop and as means of entertainment as well.

The Jobs model refers to a period lasting from 1994 through 2000 as the internet revolution.  During this era the function of personal computers shifted into a universal interconnectivity.  Meaning “All it took was a modem to hook up low-cost computers to connect to anyone with the same equipment just about anywhere on the planet.” (Vivian 65). This is where the internet can be seen as beginning to form as a means of entertainment.  The development of the internet allowing universal interconnectivity introduced a new mode of communication resulting in online gathering.  A new social setting was created where things such as chat groups allowed people to socialize without actually being in the presence of others.

“In instant messaging, chat room, or the multiuser dungeon, distant individuals communicate with each other instantaneously through disembodied electronic text.” (Zhao 462).  This describes the early stages of internet usage as a form of entertainment where it progressively became normal for one to spend their time socializing online. Originally, communication through the internet was by text alone, however “graphics, still-video, audio, and moving-visual capabilities” (Vivian 65) were soon to follow as the internet continued to grow as a form of entertainment.  By changing the conditions of social interaction, the internet established itself as an aspect of entertainment that will continue to expand as time moves forward.



“Brief History of the Internet.” Internet Society, www.internetsociety.org/internet/history-internet/brief-history-internet/.

Zhao, S. (n.d.). Everyday Life: Toward a New Analytic Stance in Sociology. Retrieved October 27, 2017, 

Vivian, John. The Media of Mass Communication: 2006. Pearson Education, 2006.