Radio as A form of Social Inclusion

By: Olivia Hoffman

Over the years, every actor in society has aided in the progression of the mass medium- radio. Radio is a mass medium that is truly imbedded in each of our lives daily. More so than any other platform, the radio has survived the challenges that have inevitably come with the changes in the internet. It has adapted accordingly to host a a new storehouse for platforms and their outputs. Due to this prevalence of the usage of media outlets, specifically radio, actors are able to feel a sense of inclusion and connection to the rest of society.


In more ways than just one, the radio is incredibly capable of having an affect on society. The notion of agenda setting is incredibly applicable in terms of Radio usage in the United States. A significant portion of radio usage is catered towards news. Those that listen to outlets such as NPR in the morning on the way to work for example, are shaping their day and shifting their thoughts to what they hear on the radio.

Through radio, there is an opening for expression of cultural identities. Through music and interviews and news, the radio provides a platform in which the culture of a society is easily shared and valued. The participatory nature of radio is ever-present.  Through online communities, in this case radio specifically, there is a sense of emotional support gained through participation in these communities. Community radio acts in a way that could be considered as a “third space” outside of participant’s natural location.  


This is all a form of social inclusion. Radio gives several different opportunities for those to feel included. “Inclusion is about people’s access to resources and opportunities,” (Mollgaard,185).  In essence, those that have access and chose to participate in the media and technology as a form of entertainment or knowledge gain, will then feel as if they are more included in a society.

Radio and Society: New Thinking for an Old Medium

John Vivian

Prevalence of Radio Today

By: Olivia Hoffman

More often than not, the first thing that comes to mind when one hears the word “Radio,” is a physical, old-fashioned radio. Or, a little more progressive, a car radio. Yes, these are two incredibly accurate definitions of Radio, however, we have come a long way.

Continue reading “Prevalence of Radio Today”